

The club shall be known as LAYTOWN AND BETTYSTOWN LAWN TENMS CLUB. Its headquarters shall be Bettystown Co Meath.



(a) To promote the playing of tennis within a safe environment for all members

(b) To be a vehicle for good community relations in the area by actively encouraging membership from all sections of the community

(c) To encourage cross border community contacts with other clubs and sporting organisations in Northern Ireland

(d) To make every effort to keep fees down by fundraising so as not to exclude anyone from membership

(e) To promote Social Inclusion by supporting and encouraging initiatives to involve all Sectors of the community in tennis and other sports

3 (a) To acquire by purchase lease or otherwise tennis courts and grounds at the Bettystown Co Meath or elsewhere in or near Bettystown and to lay and maintain the same for tennis and to build or otherwise provide a Clubhouse and other user facilities in connection therewith and to furnish, modify and maintain the same and to permit the same to be used by members and employees of the Tennis Club and others, either gratuitously or for payment.

(b) To purchase, hire, make or provide and maintain and to sell or otherwise dispose of all kinds of equipment and other things required which may conveniently be used in connection with the tennis courts and grounds, Clubhouse and other premises of the Club by persons frequenting the same whether members of the Club or not.

(c) To hire and employ all classes of persons considered necessary for the purposes of the Club and to pay them and to other persons in return for services rendered to the Club salaries, wages, charges and pensions. (d) To ensure that best practice is being followed the club shall work closely with our Governing Body in order to promote the best practice in children's sport and shall comply with the guidelines of the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children's Sport in Ireland as set out in Section 27 and attached hereto as Appendix 1,



(a) Membership of the Club shall be open to all persons who have been accepted by the Committee on the basis of simple majority vote, who have paid the appropriate Annual subscription and who have agreed to abide by the Rules and Constitution of the Club.

(b) Membership of the Club shall consist of Senior Members, Honorary Members, Student Members, Honorary Life Members, Family and Junior Members . Junior Members shall be between 7 and18 years. Student members are defined as persons over the age of 18 years who are not in employment and are pursuing studies or traineeships. Voting is restricted to Senior and honorary members and to parents in Family members.

(c) The maximum number of members under the membership categories shall be as Follows:-

  • Senior Members 140
  • Junior members 140
  • Family Members 130
  • Student Members 75

(d) It is recognised that at the date of adopting the Constitution the maximum number in some categories may be in excess of the permitted level. The approved level shall be achieved by the non-replacement of existing members who do not renew their membership. Consideration may be given to accepting a sibling of an existing Junior member notwithstanding that this may have the effect of exceeding the maximum level on a temporary basis. Overseas student members may be accepted in the context of an approved student exchange programme.

(e) The Committee shall have power to accept or to refuse and application for membership at any time, such power being exercised by simple majority vote.

(f) All members will receive a copy of the relevant Code of Conduct, a copy of the club's Child Protection Policy and a copy of the Constitution. Each member or parent (if member is under 18) will be obliged to sign and return an acknowledgement that they have read and agree to abide by the Code of Conduct, the Constitution and the Child Protection Policy. All junior club members will be required to sign the Junior Club Code of Conduct and Fair Play Policy.



(a) The affairs of the Club shall be managed by a Committee consisting of up to 15 members elected at the Annual General Meeting; The Officers of the Committee shall comprise Captain, Hon Secretary, Treasurer, Vice Captain and Ex Officio. Parents of Junior members my serve on the Committee in the role of Junior Co-ordinator. The number of junior co-ordinators shall be determined by the Committee from time to time.

(b) The Committee shall have overall control of all Club activities, finance and of all matters pertaining to the general conduct and welfare of the Club. It shall have the power to appoint sub-committees when necessary and to delegate to any such sub-committee any powers except the election or rejection of members.

(c) The club shall appoint each year two members who will have a remit for Child Protection. This will include attending relevant training courses, liaising with relevant agencies when necessary and bringing to the attention of the General Committee any incidents or information deemed appropriate.

(d) Meetings of the Committee shall be held at least 8 times per year and 4 members shall form a quorum. The decisions of the Committee shall be taken by simple majority vote and the Captain or a person voted to the Chair in his/her absence, shall have a second or casting vote. Decisions taken at any meeting may be amended or revoked at any subsequent properly convened meeting by a majority of those present and entitled to vote.

(e) Any member who fails to attend4 consecutive meetings shall be suspended from committee memberships unless an explanation for such absence has been given. In the event of a vacancy arising among the elected members the other members may co-opt a successor.



(a) The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held not later that the l5th day of December each year to hear reports of Club activities from the Captain, Secretary and Treasurer, and any other reports which the Committee considers appropriate.

(b) The Annual General Meeting shall also: -

(i) Consider, and if approved, sanction any duly made alteration in the Constitution, (Amendments to the Secretary in writing at least 3 weeks before A GM).

(ii) Elect the General Committee for the coming year (see section 4 (a) above),

(iii) Consider such business as the General Committee desires to bring before the members and such matters as are raised by members at the meeting.



A special General Meeting may be convened by the Committee as often as it deems necessary or by the Secretary at any time on the receipt of a requisition in writing signed by not less than 15 members. The notice convening such a meeting shall issue to club members at least 7 days before the date fixed for the meeting and it shall state the business to be considered at the meeting; such a Special General Meeting shall exercise the powers of an Annual General Meeting upon such stated business.



(a) At all General Meetings of the Club the Captain, and in his/her absence a member selected by the meeting, shall take the Chair.

(b) Every member present and entitled to vote shall have one vote upon every motion and in the case of equality of votes the Captain shall have a second or casting vote.

(c) The quorum at all General Meetings of the Club shall be 10 members.



The Disciplinary Committee shall consist of the Captain, Hon Secretary, Treasurer and Vice Captain.

Any member who believes the conduct of another member is contrary to the Constitution of the Club, or Governing Body regulations, or whose conduct is likely to bring the Club into disrepute, may inform any member-of the Committee in writing.

A meeting of the Disciplinary Committee shall be held within fourteen days after the complaint has been received. All parties involved will be invited to attend, individually to speak to the Disciplinary Committee.

The Disciplinary Committee shall inform in writing both the member who made the complaint and the member who is the subject to their decision within seven days of a decision being made.

Notification of the complaint will be forwarded onto the Governing Body as appropriate.



Where a complaint is deemed to be of appropriate severity by the Disciplinary Committee, that Committee have the right to invoke the disciplinary procedure. The Committee will have the following options at its disposal under the disciplinary procedure.

(i) Recommend the member undertakes a period retraining or re-education of applicable.

(ii) Impose a period of suspension for a defined period.

(iii) Terminate the membership of the person as outlined in the Constitution. During the period of suspension, the member is suspended from all activities at, or on behalf of Laytown and Bettystown Lawn Tennis Club and therefore shall be ineligible to participate as a member, in the affairs of the Club. The member shall be informed in writing of the reasons for the suspension and the date from which the suspension shall commence. T he Committee shall inform all the members in writing of the suspension. The member may invoke the appeals procedure. The Committee has the power to reinstate the suspended member if the decision of the appeals procedure finds in favour of the member and, the Honorary Secretary shall inform the members in writing f the date from which he,/she is reinstated. Notification of the disciplinary action taken and the outcome of any appeal will be forwarded to the Governing Body as appropriate.



A member may appeal a decision to the General Committee to impose wither one of the sanctions at (ii) or (iii) above in respect of a disciplinary matter. The appeal must be made in writing to the Honorary Secretary within fourteen days of the member being notified about the outcome of the complaint procedure or disciplinary procedure. The appeal will be heard by an independent member of the legal profession either Junior Counsel or practising solicitor appointed by the Captain and agreed by the complainant. And shall be conducted in accordance with their procedures laid down by the Governing Body. Notification of the outcome of an appeal will be forwarded to the Governing Body.



The Committee shall have the power to terminate the membership of any individual member where it has been clearly demonstrated that a serious breach of the Club Constitution has taken place. The individual member shall have the right to be heard by the General Committee before the final decision is made. The Committee shall inform the member in writing of any decision to terminate their membership. There shall be a right of appeal against such a decision as set out in clause 12. Notification of the termination of a membership will be forwarded to the Governing Body.



The Club's assets and finances shall be used solely to further the objects of the Club. At no time or under no circumstances shall assets of the Club be distributed among members either on an interim or on winding-up basis.



A resolution to dissolve the Club shall be passed only at a General Meeting specially summoned for the purpose of such resolution, if supported by not less than three quarters of those present and entitled to vote. In the event of the Club being dissolved, surplus assets remaining after the satisfaction of debts and liabilities shall be transferred by them to an institution or organisation in the Republic of Ireland with objects similar to those of Laytown and Bettystown Lawn Tennis Club provided that such an institution's or organisation's rules similarly preclude the distribution of such assets to its members.



This Constitution may be to, repealed or amended by resolution at any Annual or Special General Meeting, provided that no such resolution shall be deemed to have been passed unless it is carried by a majority of at least two thirds of members voting thereon.



It is hereby certified that this document represents a true and most up-to-date version of the Constitution of Laytown and Bettystown Lawn Tennis Club.


Appendix I

  • Adopt and implement the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children's Sport in Ireland as an integral part of its policy on children in the Club.
  • Have its constitution approved and adopted by clubs members at an AGM or EGM,
  • Permit all Senior members. One parent/guardian should have one vote for all their children in family memberships.
  • Ensure that the Club Management Committee is elected or endorsed by registered club members at each AGM
  • Adopt and consistently apply a safe and clearly defined method of recruiting and selecting Sports Leaders.
  • Clearly define the role of the committee members, all Sports Leaders and parents/guardians
  • Appoint at least one children's officer as outlined in this Code. In the event that a Club caters for both boys and girls, one children's officer of each gender would ideally be appointed.
  • Designate the Club Captain to act as a liaison with the Statutory Authorities in relation to the reporting of allegations or suspicions of child abuse. Any such reports should be made according to the procedures outlined in this Code/Children Firdt/Our Duty to Care
  • Ensure best practice throughout the club by disseminating its code of conduct, including the disciplinary, complaints and appeals procedures in operation within the club to all its members. The club's code of conduct should also be posted in all facilities used by the club.
  • Have in place procedures for dealing with a concern or complaint made to the Statutory Authorities against a Committee Member or Sports Leader or any other members of the club. Regulations should stipulate that a Sports Leader who is the subject of an allegation, which has been reported-to the Statutory Authorities, should stand aside while the matter is being examined. S/he should be invited to resume full duties immediately if s/he is vindicated.
  • Ensure that relevant Sports Leaders report to the Club Committee on a regular basis.
  • Encourage regular turnover of committee membership while ensuring continuity and experience.
  • Develop effective procedures for responding to and recording accidents.
  • Ensure that any unusual activity (high rate of drop-out, transfers, etc.) is checked out and reported by the Club Captain to the Governing Body of Sport.
  • Ensure that al club members are given adequate notice of AGMs and other meetings.
  • Ensure that all minutes of all meetings (AGMs/EGMs/Committee) are recorded and safely filed.